return {
['憎恶藤'] = 'Abomination Vine',
['灾厄港口'] = 'Arch Haven',
['北极狐'] = 'Arctic Fox',
['盔甲掠夺者'] = 'Armored Pillager',
['盔甲骷髅'] = 'Armored Skeleton',
['盔甲卫道士'] = 'Armored Vindicator',
['盔甲僵尸'] = 'Armored Zombie',
['斧头'] = 'Axe',
['幼年僵尸'] = 'Baby Zombie',
['阔剑'] = 'Broadsword',
['双刃阔剑'] = 'Claymore',
['诅咒之斧'] = 'Cursed Axe',
['弯刀'] = 'Cutlass',
['双持匕首'] = 'Daggers',
['舞者之剑'] = 'Dancer\'s Sword',
['暗黑武士刀'] = 'Dark Katana',
['钻石镐'] = 'Diamond Pickaxe',
['钻石剑'] = 'Diamond Sword',
['双刃斧'] = 'Double Axe',
['永恒之刃'] = 'Dternal Knife',
['灵魂共振'] = 'Enigma Resonator',
['爆炸'] = 'Exploding',
['爆炸弩'] = 'Exploding Crossbow',
['寒霜獠牙'] = 'Fangs Of Frost',
['烈焰锻造厂'] = 'Fiery Forge',
['战士之缚'] = 'Fighter\'s Bindings',
['火弩箭'] = 'Firebolt Thrower',
['烙火'] = 'Firebrand',
['链锤'] = 'Flail',
['幸运长矛'] = 'Fortune Spear',
['狐狸甲'] = 'Fox Armor',
['冰霜长镰'] = 'Frost Scythe',
['护手'] = 'Gauntlets',
['地卜师'] = 'Geomancer',
['长柄刀'] = 'Glaive',
['弑墓者'] = 'Grave Bane',
['大锤'] = 'Great Hammer',
['守卫者之弓'] = 'Guardian Bow',
['引力之锤'] = 'Hammer Of Gravity',
['鹰身大剑'] = 'Hawkbrand',
['窃心者'] = 'Heartstealer',
['高地之斧'] = 'Highland Axe',
['猎人之甲'] = 'Hunter\'s Armor',
['冰术师'] = 'Iceologer',
['狱卒之镰'] = 'Jailor\'s Scythe',
['武士刀'] = 'Katana',
['锤子'] = 'Mace',
['大师的武士刀'] = 'Master\'s Katana',
['主宰之弓'] = 'Master\'s Bow',
['战锤者'] = 'Maulers',
['哞菇巨兽'] = 'Mooshroom Monstrosity',
['月之匕首'] = 'Moon Daggers',
['无名之刃'] = 'Nameless Blade',
['梦魇之噬'] = 'Nightmare\'s Bite',
['熊猫'] = 'Panda',
['镐'] = 'Pickaxe',
['皇家守卫'] = 'Royal Guard',
['冲击波'] = 'Shockwave',
['镰刀'] = 'Sickles',
['潮湿洞穴'] = 'Soggy Cave',
['潮湿沼泽'] = 'Soggy Swamp',
['灵魂弩'] = 'Soul Crossbow',
['灵魂拳套'] = 'Soul Fists',
['灵魂之刃'] = 'Soul Knife',
['灵魂长镰'] = 'Soul Scythe',
['灵魂巫师'] = 'Soul Wizard',
['长矛'] = 'Spear',
['探穴者护甲'] = 'Spelunker Armor',
['雷霆之锤'] = 'Stormlander',
['日之恩惠'] = 'Sun\'s Grace',
['剑'] = 'Sword',
['笑到最后'] = 'The Last Laugh',
['捣蛋弓'] = 'Trickbow',
['求真者'] = 'Truthseeker',
['剧毒长刀'] = 'Venom Glaive',
['龙卷风'] = 'Whirlwind',
['唤藤者'] = 'Whisperer',
['呢喃矛'] = 'Whispering Spear',
['幽灵'] = 'Wraith',