用于链接到参考中里的网站。类似于维基百科的Cite web模板。
參數 | 描述 | 類型 | 狀態 | |
URL | url | 页面的完整URL。 | 字串 | 建議 |
页面标题 | title | 页面的标题。 | 字串 | 建議 |
段落 | section | 指定要引用的页面中的特定段落。 | 字串 | 非必填 |
是否为失效链接? | dead-link | 当页面不存在时设置。 | 布林值 | 非必填 |
是否不列入分类? | nocat | 在主命名空间外使用,用于不把页面列入分类中。 | 布林值 | 非必填 |
存档URL | archive-url | 存档页的链接。 | 字串 | 非必填 |
存档 | archive | 生成一个自动存档页链接(链接到被存档的第一个版本),需要减少字节数时很有用。 | 布林值 | 非必填 |
存档时间 | archive-time | 指定自动生成的存档页链接的存档时间。默认为0(即被存档的第一个版本)。 | 字串 | 非必填 |
作者 | author | 页面的作者。 | 字串 | 建議 |
网站 | website | 页面所处网站的名字。 | 字串 | 建議 |
日期 | date | 页面创建的时间。 | 日期 | 建議 |
引文 | quote | 显示从文章中引用的一句话。 | 字串 | 非必填 |
- 短模板
- 完整模板
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests — PC Games N
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |author=Kirk McKeand |date=2018年1月26日 }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests ,自Kirk McKeand之手。 PC Games N,日期格式錯誤。
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |dead-link=true }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests(敗鏈) — PC Games N
{{citation |url=http://web.archive.org/web/20180510040828/https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests(留檔) — PC Games N
{{citation |url=https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest |title=How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests |website=PC Games N |archive-url=http://web.archive.org/web/20180510040828/https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/minecraft-to-the-last-tree-polish-primeval-forest }}
How Minecraft helped save one of the world's biggest primeval forests (留檔) — PC Games N